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AquaTreck es una compañía farmacéutica de nueva generación que nace con el objetivo de reinventar la gestión de la salud animal y apoyar el crecimiento sostenible de la industria acuícola.Su actividad profesional se centra en I+D, fabricación y comercialización de diagnósticos y vacunas para acuicultura.
Bioiberica is a global company in the life sciences sector that is committed to improving the health and well-being of people, animals and plants. We work to identify, extract and develop active pharmaceutical ingredients and ingredients that are transformed into high quality products for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, veterinary, animal nutrition and agricultural industries.This is how we managed to become the world's leading manufacturer of heparin and help our customers discover new possibilities. Thanks to our commitment to excellence, safety and sustainability, we explore new horizons. And with this, we contribute even more to the advancement of everything we do

Daniele Salerno

Oriol Roigè

Product Manager

Marc Llovera

Judit Pou

Marketing Manager
Blanchadell is focused on the construction of ships in naval aluminum, and manufacture of shaft lines with fat, oil or seawater horns; maneuver propellers, conventional or articulated rudders with hydraulic servo control, and all kinds of fishing and deck machinery such as: razors, haulers, davits, bars of blocks, winches, anchor windlasses, etc.Additionaly offers installation, maintenance and repair services of all the mentioned equipment on board.Blanchadell also performs installation, repair and maintenance of motors and propulsion equipment on board, together with the design and execution of hydraulic systems for the operation of all the equipment.From the experience gained in equipment and vessels construction for extractive fishing, 3 years ago started the construction of catamarans and marine aquaculture vessels. Blanchadell has international records as suppliers of fishing vessels, having focused mainly in the Algerian market from the 80's.

Juan Antonio Blanchadell Miralles

CEO. Technical director
Technical Industrial Engineer in Mechanics. Suboficial mechanic of the Navy 1975-1976. Manager and Technical director of Astilleros. Lehimosa, 1977-1985
Blat is an Insurance and Reinsurance Brokerage highly specialized in mediation and risk management in the Agriculture, Livestock, Forest and Aquaculture sectors. BLAT submits regularly insurance and reinsurance operations to the Lloyd's Brokers and to the Lloyd's Coverholders. Lloyd's is one of the most competitive and specialized worlwidemarket on Insurance and Reinsurance. It also works together with Cover Holders and Companies from London Market and Reinsurance. They are into the Continental European Market.

Ferran Bonet Alsina

Director / Administrative Manager
Insurance Broker from 1984 Graduated on Insurance, The National College of Insurance. Center of Studies (1985) Diploma in Assurance undertakings Management. University of Barcelona Intensive Course on Reinsurance by INESE Professional Teacher on agricultural insurances, The National College of Insurance. Center of Studies

BlueNetCat (Xarxa Marítima)

Our network comprehends over 170 reserchers from 6 Public Centers of Reserch in Catalunya; They are focused in several Aquaculture disciplines. We cover different areas as Food Technology, Reproduction and Nutrition Animal, Genetic, Installation Engineering, Market Research, Health and Animal welfare.Our mission is to serve as technology transfer facilitators from reserching to industrial sector and society.

Pablo Bou Mira

Business developer manager
Degree in Marine Science MSC in Aquaculture from the University of Las Palmas and Canarian Institute of Marine Science Over 10 years of experience in the Aquaculture sector, having held senior projects and operational management positions


It is a veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory with more than 50 years of experience in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of products for veterinary use. Headquartered in Spain, it markets its products in more than 40 countries, on 4 continents and is a global leader in the sector. Having capture the accumulated experince in the veterinary sector, CENAVISA launched AQUACEN in 2010, a business line focused in Aquaculture. This division has a solid team of highly specialized professionals, working in collaboration with several research centers, important universities and leading specialists in the sector. AQUACEN aims to develop and commercialize safe, efficient and innovative products of high quality, to improve the health and welfare of fish destined for human consumption throughout the world.

Mònica Rius Francino

Aquaculture Department Manager
Degree in Biology, UB. Interuniversity Master in Aquaculture by UB, UAB, UPC. Over 15 years of experience in Cenavisa

Jordi Basseda Torruella

Deputy General Manager
Bachelor of Business Administration, UB. Over 30 years of experience in Cenavisa
In 2014, acknowing the FAO report: "Edible Insects Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security" and given my interest in finding sustainable alternatives to food production, I decided to develop a national and international network to understand the possibilities of using insects for human food and animal feed.Given the possibilities of the use of insects as a method of revaluation of by-products and waste, and because of their ability to replace traditional sources of protein for animal feed and aquaculture, I founded Entomo Agroindustrial, an enterpreneurial venture aimed to launch innovative projects to find feeding solutions for the agri-food sector.

Diego Amores de Gea

CEO & Founder
Professor and PhD student at UCAM. Project management. Quality and Environmental. Management Systems. MBA


HTBA (HealthTech BioActives), as part of The Riverside Company, is a world leading company highly specialized in flavonoids and vitamin B12 derivatives. With more than 40 years in the pharmaceutical world developing ingredients of natural origin, HTBA is determined to formulate the new standards of tomorrow today. HTBA covers the entire value chain, from raw materials to commercialization, with a global reach in pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements, human and animal nutrition.HTBA provides effective solutions for animal health and nutrition, with products of the highest quality designed to improve their performance and well-being. HTBA is a pioneer in the field of citrus-derived additives, such as Neohesperidin DC, an intensive sweetener and flavor enhancer. Thanks to an experience of more than 40 years, HTBA designs and manufactures feed additive premixes, such as Sugarex, Weanex, Tastex and Bioflavex. Our talented team constantly strives to exceed the expectations of our clients, because at HTBA we have one goal: To challenge current paradigms to improve the well-being of our clients.

Mar Serra

Animal Health & Nutrition Division Manager
Veterinary, UAB and Master in Food Biotechnology, UPC. More than 20 years in the health nutrition and animal nutrition sector as head of the commercial technical department of HTBA, managing the client portfolio and division management, as well as participating in numerous congresses and fairs.

Javier Crespo

Laboratory Director Applications
Agronomist, UPC. Master in Aromas, UPC. More than 20 years of experience in the design of products to improve the palatability of the feed, including the authorship of scientific articles and patents.
The research team “Immunobiology for Aquaculture” (I4A) at the University of Murcia has a great experience in the study of the immune system of teleosts of commercial interest in the Mediterranean area (mainly gilthead seabream -Sparus aurata- and European sea bass -Dicentrarchus labrax-). The team has developed a great number of techniques to determine the fish immune status, and has extensive experience in cellular and molecular biology, histology and fish pathology. The team was pioneer in the use of dietary supplements as immunostimulants in fish. Among them, vitamins, microalgae, probiotics (bacteria and yeast cells) and medicinal plants with the aim of knowing their effects on the systemic and local (skin and gut) fish immune system. Concomitantly, the team works on some fish pathologies caused by stressors (such as heavy metals and pollutants) or aetiological agents (such as bacteria, mainly vibriosis or virus, mainly nodavirus).

Francisco Guardiola

Assistant Professor
Francisco Guardiola hold a degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Murcia (Spain). He studied two postgraduate degrees related to Aquaculture and Management and Quality Management. PhD thesis in Biological Sciences in 2014. At the beginning of 2015, he obtained a competitive fellowship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) to develop his Postdoctoral career in the Fish Nutrition & Immunobiology Group at the CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Porto). Actually, he is employed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Histology of the University of Murcia and he is a member of the “Immunobiology for Aquaculture” research group. He has extensive experience in the field of aquaculture and fish immunology, particularly in the study of the mucosal immune response (mainly gut and skin) and its involvement in the defense against infections, as well as, on the search for new and natural immunostimulant for fish (besides use of probiotics and prebiotics) and their effects on the nutritional and immune status and disease resistance. In the last years, he also has studied the impact of several pollutants, including heavy metals and microplastics as well as the interaction of microplastics, which can act as vectors, with heavy metals and pathogen bacteria on the fish immune response. More info about me:
As an Institute for sustainable growth of companies, we support the creation of sustainable and responsible business networks according to each sector context and environment,with the aim of generating social, environmental and economic development. We understand sustainable growth as an indicator of wealth generation, committing a development balance among society, economy and environment.

Yolanda Molares

Degree in Business Administration. Master in Internacional Studies. Expertise in revitalization of rural and coastal areas. Formulation and execution of rural and productive development projects. Preparation of viability and market studies and strategic sector plans for economic growth. Expertise Corporate Social Responsibility's policies desing and execution.
Sectorial communication medium focused on the aquaculture value chain. It belongs to SIPSA, dedicated to the edition of professional sector magazines -as is the case of Industrias Pesqueras, published since 1927-, and to offer communication and design services in the areas of aquaculture and fisheries through IPMedios Comunicación Global ( communication) and IPho (design).IPac. Aquaculture was born in 2005, precisely, based on the experience and knowledge of the fishing and aquaculture sector derived from the long career of the magazine Industrias Pesqueras, with the aim of offering specific and quality information in aquaculture and as an essential information tool for all the agents of the sector. Among the contents that IPac. Aquaculture addresses, both on its website and in its digital magazine, are the latest developments in the sector, R + D + i, companies, markets, technology, environment, legislation, etc. In addition to reports, interviews and opinion articles.IPac. Aquaculture is a member of different platforms linked to the aquaculture sector and supports various research projects, some ongoing and others pending approval.

Mar Romero

IPac responsible for Aquaculture
Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela Master's Degree in Financial and Tax Administration and Public Management from the University of Santiago de Compostela Research Proficiency in Fisheries Economics from the University of Oviedo Expansion of knowledge (Erasmus) on the EU and European policies at the University of Maastricht


El IRTA es un instituto de investigación de la Generalitat de Cataluña, adscrito al Departamento de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación, regulado por la Ley 04/2009 de 15 de abril, del Parlamento de Cataluña, que ajusta su actividad al ordenamiento jurídico privado.La finalidad del IRTA es contribuir a la modernización, a la mejora y al impulso de la competitividad; al desarrollo sostenible de los sectores agrario, alimentario, agroforestal, acuícola y pesquero, y también de los directa o indirectamente relacionados con el abastecimiento de alimentos sanos y de calidad a los consumidores finales; a la seguridad alimentaria y a la transformación de los alimentos, y, en general, a la mejora del bienestar y la salud de la población.Sus objetivos generales son los de impulsar la investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico en el ámbito agroalimentario, facilitar la transferencia de los avances científicos y valorar los avances tecnológicos propios buscando la máxima coordinación y colaboración con el sector público y privado.El IRTA ha promovido, desde su creación, el establecimiento de acuerdos permanentes de colaboración con otras instituciones públicas que actúan en el ámbito de la investigación y desarrollo tecnológico en Cataluña. Esta política ha dado como resultado la existencia, hoy en día en Cataluña, de una red de centros consorciados (entre el IRTA, Universidades, CSIC, Diputaciones, etc.) que puede definirse como la de un sistema cooperativo de I + D.IRTA trabaja en acuicultura a través del programa de Acuicultura.El centro donde se trabaja es IRTA Sant Carles de la Rápita (Tarragona).
Mega Fortris Europe Aps Ltd was established in Denmark in 2001. The company is a part of the Mega Fortris Group with head quarters in Malaysia, Asia.The Mega Fortris Group is the world largest manufacturer of container seals, besides being a global supplier of a broad range of other security products.We specialize in innovative design with high security features. Our aim is to provide our customers with high quality security products to full comply with their demand and requirement.These core values combined with our competitive pricing ensure that we are the preferred supplier within all major industry.

Jaime Baucells Granell

Mørenot Spain – Delta Aqua Redes, is a Mørenot Aquaculture's subsidiary company in Spain.Mørenot Holding embraces leading companies of services for fishing, offshore and aquaculture markets.In Spain our principal activities are net's manufacturing and mainteinance, sales of aquaculture materials and execution of technical auditing.

Albert Comas i Granell

General Manager
Engineer SGE900Legal expert25 years of experience in aquaculture offshore
Biotechnology-based Company which operates into the Sector of Healthy Food Ingredients and Aditives for Animal Feeding, Pharmaceutical Products and Human consumption; providing functional foods from natural substancies.Specialised in extraction and purification process of natural bioactive compounds, for the addition to animal foods and other uses; as well as in its Chemical characterization with regard to biological activity.They are specialised in Mediterranean origin products.

Jose Carlos Quintela

Scientific Director
Pharmacy Degree. Doctor in Biological Sciences. Member of Expert Group in Phytochemistry (Farmacopea Europea). President of Ethics Committee (Institute IMDEA Nutrition). Over 20 years of experience in R+D in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Industry. Expert in Phytochemistry, extraction and purification process of natural bioactive compounds, Chemical characterization and biological activity studies, pre-clinical, clinical and farming animal (terrestrial and aquaculture)
The FB2 research group, located in the Faculty of Biology, was founded in 1998 by professors José Luis Soengas and Jesús M. Míguez. The group has been recognized as a reference group (group with growth potential) by the Xunta de Galicia and belongs to the Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo. The basic objective of the group's research is the study of physiological mechanisms in fish related to metabolism, neuroendocrinology, rhythms, the response to stress and the mechanisms of adaptation to the environment. For this we use model fish species (rainbow trout, sole, zebrafish ...) in order to extrapolate the results obtained to the development of applied research in the field of Aquaculture. At present, the main field of work of the group is focused on the study of the metabolic, neuroendocrine and environmental mechanisms involved in the control of feeding in fish and its interaction with stress. Specifically, the research lines in which the group works are:
  • Control of feed intake in fish by metabolic, neuroendocrine and environmental factors
  • Nutrient sensing mechanisms and energy metabolism in fish
  • Interaction between the control mechanisms of fish intake and the response to stress
  • Physiology of the pineal organ and melatonin
  • Daily and seasonal rhythmicity in fish. Molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock
  • The hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis and the stress response in fish

Marta Conde Sieira

Distinguished researcher
  • I graduated in Marine Sciences at the University of Vigo and did my doctoral studies in the Fish Physiology group (led by José Luis Soengas and Jesús M. Míguez) at the same University. During my thesis, my research has focused on the study of the effect of stress on the metabolic and neuroendocrine mechanisms that regulate food intake in fish and on the role of some hormones (such as CRF or melatonin) on the stress-appetite interaction.
  • In 2012, I obtained the degree of Doctor from the University of Vigo with International Mention, obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. I did my first postdoctoral stage at CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research, Porto, Portugal), specifically at the Fish Nutrition, Growth and Quality Laboratory (LANUCE) led by Luisa Valente, after first obtaining a competitive scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and then another of the Xunta de Galicia (Plan I2C). During this stage, I investigated the effect of the use of new alternative and sustainable diets on the metabolism, growth and well-being of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis).
  • Currently, I am working as a distinguished researcher at the University of Vigo in the group PHYStoFISH (Fish Physiology and its application to aquaculture), where I combine teaching work with the development of a research line focused on the hedonic control of appetite in fish, in specifically studying the involvement of the cannabinoid and opioid systems in appetite using rainbow trout as a teleost fish model.
  • To learn more about my scientific contributions:


Smartwater Planet es una empresa que proporciona ingeniería y tecnología para el sector de la acuicultura. Trabajamos para desarrollar una tecnología accesible tanto a pequeños como medianos productores. Destacan las soluciones de sensorización de calidad del agua como el dispositivo MEDUSA y SMARTWATER CLOUD, el software de gestión de la producción. Inteligencia Artificial y el diseño de instalaciones forman parte del desarrollo actual de la compañía.

Steinsvik Mediterranean SL is a subsidiary of Steinsvik Group, headquartered in Norway and with 10 offices around the world. Steinsvik is a supplier of equipment for aquaculture, which are essential for a profitable, sustainable and safe activity of aquaculture facilities.We have more than 60 years of experience developing and installing innovative and reliable solutions. We have delivered more than 900 power systems and over 6,000 cameras.We offer solutions for efficient feeding of fish at sea or onshore facilities. Platforms of steel or concrete with capacities of between 80 to 850 tons and everything the farmer needs to monitor, from his fish to environmental parameters or as a surveillance activity. We also provide other useful equipment in the fish production activity: lights for photoperiod, silage, cages, production software and analysis of productive parameters, remote operations, biosecurity and water treatment. We are leaders in the market in the development of the most robust and reliable power systems, and we are committed to delivering quality service to our customers.We develop close relationships with our clients with a long-term vision, ensuring profitability and sustainability.

Óscar Proessel

General Manager

María Martínez

TEBRIO is dedicated to the breeding and industrial transformation of the Tenebrio Molitor insect, producing premium raw materials with high quality for the aquaculture and animal nutrition sectors, which we commercialize under the brands oProtein and oLipids (proteins and fats). We also commercialize derived products with different industrial applications, in sectors of plant nutrition and other industrial uses.We are market leaders thanks to our technology, R&D, production quantities, product registrations and certifications, being able to meet the needs of our customers and ensuring highly sustainable quality products that are very respectful with the environment.

Adriana Casillas

Adriana Casillas is President and CEO of TEBRIO.She is currently Vice-President of IPIFF, based in Brussels, actively participating together with the European Commission, EFSA, and other relevant European actors.Adriana Casillas has managed the company since 2014, and has an EMA (Executive Master in agri-food companies) at USAL.


Technology & Vitamins focuses its activity on the design, manufacture and marketing of food supplements for Animal Nutrition.Its mission is focused on meeting the needs demanded by the animal feed industry worldwide: to provide products and services of proven quality that allow customers to be increasingly competitive thanks to the constant contribution of technological innovation.For this, Technology and Vitamins bases its activities on the following values:
  • Consistent with the decisions
  • Confidence relations with the client.
  • Constant innovation.
  • Proven quality of products and services.
  • Respect for the environment and public health
A long experience in bringing nutrition closer to the industrial reality of the farms, together with a strategy based on differentiation, allows Technology & Vitamins to be an outstanding reference in the technical advice and in the offer of quality products for Animal Nutrition.

Germán Fernández – Cano

Director Ejecutivo
Veterinaria, medicina y sanidad. Universidad de Zaragoza Máster MEGA en Gestión Avanzada y Máster INSIDE, MBA. Universidad de Deusto

Javier Feito

Graduado en Veterinaria UCM y Doctorando en Veterinaria UCM.
Zunibal is a company specialized in the development of products and services for the marine sector based on its own research and designs, which began its activity in 1995.In its origins, Zunibal focused on the development of electronic equipment for tuna fishing and communications on the high seas, but as the years have passed, the potential of the company has been seen in the research and development of products for the field. in general and the investment of resources in the development of new applications that support the entire marine sector and allow sustainable growth and social improvement has been promoted.Zunibal's knowledge and experience are directly related to the design and development of electronic equipment, communication systems and data visualization systems, trying to respond to the set of needs of the end user.

Iratxe Arraibi


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