Reports finds expert level controls in aquaculture sector and complex authorisation procedures


A new overview report of the European Commission finds that official controls in aquaculture are in general implemented with a high level of expertise, and support the development of the sector as a whole. However, certain procedures for aquaculture farms registration and authorisation are complex, often long and misinterpreted.

The report consists of a series of fact finding missions on the implementation of EU legislation on aquaculture concerning food safety, animal health and welfare. It provides a basis about what is and what is not working in relation to the enforcement of controls and the interpretation of legislation. With this regard it:

• presents simplification possibilities for the drafting of new legal acts required under the animal health Regulation (EU) No 2016/429.
• highlights some variations in the degree of expertise to detect health problems during official controls.
• finds that the early detection of diseases might be hindered by the lack of a common approach to the concept of significant increase of mortality.

Beyond that, the report emphasises the limited availability of veterinary medicines which has led in some cases to suboptimal treatment of certain diseases and the potential to increase antimicrobial resistance. In this context actions by the Commission are outlined, which aim to ensure a more effective animal health regime and more efficient access to veterinary medicines.

Finally a number of good practices are described to promote their use in the aquaculture sector.
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