Dear Expert.
ICSEM are collaborating with ACUIPLUS who is committed with the development of aquaculture sector within innovation. Therefore we are collaborating in the implementation of the Study:“Trends of Aquaculture for the next 5 years”.
This study intends to increase the knowledge on the international market trends as well as to identify key aspects for research and industry development. Special attention is paid to market trends, feeding and treatment of diseases.
As part of methodology Delphi method will be implemented in order to approach the state of the art through international experts. As we are aware, you are strongly involved and have knowledge and experience on the sector. We are pleased to ask you to dedicate some minutes to collaborate with us. It will consist on a first phase with deep content and a second phase that will be shorter and concise.
We would be gratefull if you could give us the reference of any other expert that could be interested in be part of this study.
We are so grateful and appreciate your time. We strongly believe on that this kind of studies contribute to increase the common knowledge.
Any further assistance on the questionnaire, please, do not hesitate to contact inmediately: [email protected]
Yours sincerely.